Cllr. Orla Leyden said that it is great to see the Free Parking Initiative in Roscommon Town well and truly off the ground with additional Parking and Free Parking signage erected. The flashing free parking sign on the Circular road beside Caseys is also welcome, she added.
Cllr. Leyden who has been a long promoter of Free Parking in Roscommon town and opposed the introduction of paid parking in the town by Roscommon County Council some years ago has now thanked the Director of Service Majella Hunt and Area Engineer Ivor Kilcline for their work with the local businesses in providing new signage. Cllr. Orla Leyden commended the four business women in the town who led the campaign Mary Gleeson, Rita Oates, Caithlin McConn and Emma Dixon supported by Roscommon Chamber of Commerce and Roscommon Tidy Towns.
The Free parking campaign which includes the additional Parking and Free Parking signage, Free Parking sign stickers on businesses throughout the town, car bumper stickers and a media campaign is hugely positive and will clearly attract additional trade into the town, she added.
Cllr. Orla Leyden said that we need to promote Roscommon this Christmas and throughout the year as a great place to shop with a friendly atmosphere, excellent shops, cafes and restaurants, good value and Free Parking. Cllr. Leyden also complimented the Christmas Lights Committee for bringing the magic of Christmas to the town again year with the wonderful lights display that make Roscommon a real Christmas town.
The message this Christmas is shop local, she concluded.