It is an honour to contest the General Election on Saturday 8th February 2020 for Fianna Fáil in the Roscommon Galway Constituency. Having served on Roscommon County Council since 2004 I want the opportunity to effect greater change for individuals and families and to make things happen for our towns, villages, rural areas and communities on a national level.
I have a strong proven track record as a public representative serving on Roscommon County Council for over 15 years. I bring experience, commitment and determination and a great understanding of politics and community development, working on projects in Roscommon Galway throughout my life. Housing, health, and other frontline services are not being delivered under Fine Gael. For many young families and people, homeownership remains an unattainable ambition. Fine Gael’s housing policy has been a complete failure. It is clear we need a change of government. It is evident the outcome of the next General Election will be critical to the futures of so many and we need a change of government. I look forward to working with my Party colleague Eugene Murphy TD during the campaign. When the call came from the Leader of Fianna Fail, Micheal Martin T.D. asking me to contest the election, I was glad to accept this great opportunity. Timing in politics, like other aspects of life is always critically important. If elected, I will be a strong voice for Roscommon Galway in Dáil Éireann. I will be running a poster free General Election campaign in the interest of the environment and local amenities. This is consistent with my stand in the Local Election 2019 when I ran a poster free campaign
I wish to thank everyone who voted No. 1 for me or supported me with a high preference vote in #LE19 . I am extremely grateful to my campaign team, canvassers, and my family for their incredible support. I was delighted to increase my vote by 15% and see Fianna Fail secure 3 seats in Roscommon Local Electoral Area where I will serve with Cllr Paschal Fitzmaurice and Cllr. Marty McDermott . I look forward to working too with Cllr Kathleen Shanagher , Cllr Nigel Dineen and Cllr Anthony Waldron on Roscommon Municipal District and to working with all of the elected members of Roscommon County Council. I look forward to continuing my work for you and with the community in County Roscommon. Some photos and paper clippings from this weeks Roscommon Herald and Roscommon People . Fantastic Day for Roscommon Town and County with official re-opening of Roscommon Arts Centre by Minister Josepha Madigan with investment from Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and Roscommon County Council. Brian O'Doherty's exhibition "Coming Home" was also officially opened. Last year I had the honour of bestowing the Freedom of the County of Roscommon on Brian O' Doherty (renowned International visual artist who was born in Ballaghaderreen and now lives in New York).
Check out Roscommon Arts Centre for details of events tomorrow. Roscommon County Council - detailed count results LINK
Below is tally figures for Roscommon Municipal area Just 10 days to Polling Day 24th May - Local Elections 2019. Thanks to everyone I met over the campaign for your time and encouragement on the door step. I hope to call to many more homes in the coming days to ask for your No. 1 Vote or highest preference on 24th May in the Roscommon Electoral Area. A special thanks to my campaign team for believing in me and giving up their time to canvass.
Roscommon County Council launch of Bin your Gum campaign earlier this week at C & L plex, Roscommon
Great to see Ruth Scott at the event. She was a super MC at the Anti-Litter Cinema Campaign on the day. . |
June 2020